3 Pillars of Transformation

By Natalie Hyson (gold member)

In order for us to live a happy and fulfilling life – something that we all deserve – we need to address our emotional health, our mental health and physical health. Nearly all of our problems stem from chaos in one or more of these parts of ourselves. Our relationship issues, financial issues, health issues and quality of life are largely determined by our degree of vitality, harmony and balance in these three aspects.

So what can we do to address and heal these imbalances?

We must make a conscious effort to repair our bodies, heal our emotions and focus our minds. By bringing all these areas into balance, we invite deep transformation into our lives. This requires us to develop strength where we are weak, flexibility and openness where we are congested – in body, mind and emotions.

How do we do it?

1) Our Mind Transformation

We must learn to deal with the storm in our minds – the mental stress, negativity, self-doubt and the endless inner monologue that causes us emotional suffering and ill health. To do this we must practice quieting the mind and reducing the continuous and unnecessary input. A few tips to start this today –

  • Learn to meditate – start with 5 minutes of conscious breathing every day.
  • Switch off your phone at least an hour before bed.
  • Do not switch it on again for at least an hour after you get up.
  • Start your day in peace, outside if possible for 5 minutes.
  •  Set your intention for your day.
  •  Schedule time out just for you.
  • Schedule time to rest.
  •  Reduce your intake of news and mainstream media.
  •  Read uplifting and positive books or articles before bed (not on your screen!)

2) Transformation of Our Emotions

No matter how good you are at burying it, ignoring it or substituting it with other external activities, you have to deal with your stuff. Repeated patterns, self-sabotage, stress, overwhelm, anger and depression will not disperse until you have dealt with the triggers that cause these. This requires inner work and deep healing. A few pointers on how to start doing this –

  • Rediscover self-love – forgiveness, compassion for yourself and letting go.
  • Breathe! Incorporate a breathwork practice into your daily life.
  • Cultivate gratitude – shifting your mindset to what you do have, rather than focusing on what you do not.
  • Find a way to heal – you have the power to do this yourself, you just might need help with how and what to do.

3) Our Body Transformation

Heal your body with yoga, the ancient system for healing physically, emotionally and mentally. Regular yoga practice will completely accelerate your personal evolution and deepen the relationship you have with your body. We hold all of our emotions and life experiences in our body – it is vital to your overall well-being that you shift these blockages to prevent poor health and a broken body. A few tips to help you start cultivating a yoga practice in your life –

  • Start small – 10 minutes every day will change your life.
  • Take time to find a class, style and teacher you like and connect with. Don’t be disheartened if you don’t like a class or teacher.
  • Do it regularly. Yoga works, but you have to practice.
  • Don’t compare yourself to anyone else – they have a different body and are on a different journey.
  • Try out my Shoulder Stretch for Beginners on my YouTube channel Love Yoga Tree with Natalie.
  • Be kind to yourself.

Transformation does not mean you have to radically change or alter your life. On the contrary, it is the very small changes that can make a big difference. Doing these small changes with regularity, creating healthy choices and establishing healthy habits that suit you and your lifestyle is what leads to gradual and ultimate transformation physically, mentally and emotionally. In working on these areas, you can create the happy, fulfilling life that you deserve.

If you would like any help with anything mentioned in this article, please get in touch with [email protected]

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A wee bit about Natalie

Natalie is from a long lineage of matriarchal women who taught her to notice the changing rhythms of nature; to converse with angels and to listen to the whispers of spirits.  Her own healing journey began on a mystical trip to India and Nepal when she was 20 years old which led to her training as Holistic Therapist and a Reiki Practitioner.  With a strong entrepreneurial nature, Natalie had started running two businesses by the time she was 26.  By the time she was 30, she had left it all behind to travel the world for 6 months. She came back 8 years later…

Returning to Devon in 2013, Natalie set up a Yoga & Massage business in Totnes where she worked for 9 years.  As her healing journey continued to unfold, she found her Soul Friend who shared the same dream.  Together, they bought a field, built their dream and are currently living happily ever after at Dartmoor Reach Alpaca Farm.

Natalie is fully insured and a member of the Independent Yoga Network and Federation of Holistic Therapists.  She has appeared in Om Magazine and is a regular contributor to Reconnect Magazine.

Natalie is a Holistic and Well-being writer for the mental health app Mentor 360. She has worked closely with other professional therapists to create an app to guide you on your self–healing journey.



Author: admin